Uribe y Asociados Abogados en Panama

Inmigration Law

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Inmigration Law Specialists in Panama

Panama offers a variety of immigration categories designed to cater to the specific needs of foreign nationals. One such category is Permanent Residency for retired or pensioned foreigners who enter the country and demonstrate a monthly income of no less than one thousand balboas ($1,000), which must be guaranteed for life. Additionally, individuals from specific countries with friendly relations with Panama can apply for Permanent Residency. Other categories include Permanent Residency for economic reasons based on mixed investments of at least three hundred thousand balboas ($300,000) in real estate or fixed-term deposits, or a combination of both, provided the funds can be proven to originate from abroad. Our law firm specializes in immigration matters and offers personalized services. If you require legal advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Migration Permits:

Demographic Factors

1.Casado con panameño(a): Podrán solicitar este permiso los extranjeros (as) que hayan contraído matrimonio con nacional panameño(a) y que conviven con éste en condiciones de singularidad, estabilidad y continuidad.

2.Dependiente de residente permanente: Podrán solicitar este permiso los extranjeros cónyuges, hijos menores de dieciocho (18) años, familiares con discapacidad y padres dependientes de un residente provisional de dos (2) años, residente permanente o nacional. Los hijos mayores de dieciocho (18) años hasta veinticinco (25) años, podrán ser solicitados como dependientes, siempre que estudien de forma regular y se encuentren bajo la dependencia económica del residente o nacional. El residente o nacional que demuestre tener la tutela o guarda y crianza de una persona menor de edad podrá solicitarlo como dependiente.

3.Extranjeros con hijos panameños: Podrá aplicar a este permiso el extranjero que tenga uno o más hijos
panameños con mínimo de cinco (5) años de edad.

Por Leyes Especiales:

  1. Panama-Italy Agreement: Grants exclusive permission to foreign nationals of Italian nationality who wish to establish their permanent residence in our country.
  2. The National Migration Service may grant a two-year Provisional Residence Permit to individuals who apply for the sub-category of Permanent Resident, as foreign nationals from specific countries that maintain friendly, professional, economic, and investment relations with the Republic of Panama, with the aim of engaging in economic or professional activities in accordance with the provisions of this Executive Decree.
  3. A foreign professional may apply for this permit provided that their profession is not restricted by the Constitution of the Republic of Panama or by law to Panamanian nationals by birth or naturalization.
  4. A new sub-category within the Permanent Residency category is created for Diplomats and Members of International Organizations from countries with friendly diplomatic relations with the Republic of Panama who have completed their assignments and wish to establish permanent residence in Panama, along with their dependents, for the purpose of engaging in economic activities that allow them to maintain an adequate standard of living

Investment reasons

  1. Agricultural Investor: A foreign individual who has personally invested a minimum of B/.60,000.00 in the agricultural or aquaculture industry. Such activities shall be determined by the Ministry of Agricultural Development as being in the national interest. The permit shall be granted for two-year periods up to a total of six (6) years. To include dependents, an additional investment of B/.500.00 per dependent must be made, which can be justified by a local bank reference.
  2. Forestry Investor: A foreign individual or entity may apply for this Forestry Investor permit by investing a minimum of eighty thousand balboas (B/. 80,000.00) in reforestation or afforestation activities, or other activities authorized by the Ministry of the Environment. To include dependents, an additional investment of B/. 2,000.00 per dependent must be made, which can be justified by a local bank reference.

Razones de Educación:

  1. A foreign national may apply for this permit if they wish to pursue full-time studies at a public or private educational institution at the basic, intermediate, higher, or specialized level, recognized by the Ministry of Education.
  2. Participant in an educational program of a non-profit entity approved by the Ministry of Education: Foreign nationals who participate in student exchange programs, internships, or similar activities and are between the ages of eighteen (18) and thirty (30) may qualify for this category.

Family Reunification

  1. Temporary Residence Permit for Family Reunification: This permit is granted to foreign spouses, children under 18 years of age, and parents of a temporary resident. Children between the ages of 18 and 25 may also be included if they can prove they are full-time students and financially dependent on their parents. This permit is valid for annual periods up to a total of six years.


Foreigners may apply for Panamanian citizenship through naturalization under the following conditions:

  1. Five-Year Residency: Foreigners who have continuously resided in Panama for five years after reaching the age of majority may apply if they:
  • Declare their intention to become Panamanian citizens.
  • Renounce their previous nationality.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the Spanish language.
  • Possess basic knowledge of Panamanian geography, history, and political organization.
  1. Three-Year Residency with Panamanian Family Ties: Foreigners who have resided in Panama for three consecutive years and have children born in Panama to a Panamanian parent or have a Panamanian spouse may apply if they fulfill the requirements outlined in paragraph 1.

  2. Citizens of Spain or Latin American Countries: Nationals of Spain or Latin American countries may apply if they meet the same naturalization requirements as Panamanians would in their home countries.

Reciprocity Agreements:

Under reciprocity agreements, citizens of certain countries may obtain Panamanian citizenship after a shorter residency period:

  1. One year: Colombia and El Salvador
  2. Two years: Argentina, Ecuador, Spain, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru
  3. Three years: Uruguay

Our Inmigration Law Services

We simplify your residency process with expert legal guidance.

We facilitate your path to citizenship with comprehensive guidance.

We resolve immigration issues with effective and secure legal strategies.


Requirements vary depending on the specific visa you are applying for, but generally include a valid passport, a clean criminal record, proof of financial means, and in some cases, employment contracts or invitation letters. It is advisable to consult with an immigration attorney to ensure compliance with all specific requirements.

The processing time for a citizenship application can vary depending on the specific type of application and the workload of the immigration department. Generally, the process can take anywhere from several months to a couple of years. Uribe & Asociados specializes in expediting this process by ensuring that all documentation is in order from the outset.

Both Panama and Colombia offer special investor visas, such as Real Estate Investor Visas and Business Investor Visas. These types of visas typically require a minimum investment in real estate or a local business. It is important to consult with an immigration attorney, as each country has its own specific regulations.